Channel of Blessings

Proverbs 18:16 NIV
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.

King Solomon states his observation on this world that gifts indeed could mark the start of a new friendship. Apostle Paul quoted the Lord Jesus Christ in  Acts 20:35 that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (note that Apostle Paul didn't learn from other Apostles but spoke directly to the risen Lord). A simple gift  goes a long way in making new friends. It is the gesture that counts, and not on the value of the gift. A giver gives to both the rich and the poor, to both the great and a nobody. No wonder a genuine giver has many friends.

Selfish persons, on the other hand, always think of themselves first so why would they give something to others if what they have were not even enough? The flow of blessings stopped at themselves,  so they can't be a channel of God blessings.  Some people only give if they can gain something in return - this is not giving but somewhat closer to bribery.

So decide to be a genuine giver. Ask God to teach your hearts how to become a channel of heavenly blessings. 
