Wisdom for Everyone

James 1:5 NIV
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

Wisdom is applying knowledge to proceed to the best course of action that results to peace and it glorifies God. Knowing is one thing, but using knowledge to further the objective of the Lord means having wisdom. The bible says that the Lord wants only the best for us, the best not only for a limited time but throughout eternity. So submitting to God's authority ultimately is the best option for us.

God is so generous that He promised to give wisdom for those who are asking for it. If you desire a wise course of action: settle down and take time to communicate to God. God promised that He will always give wisdom for those who are seeking for it.  Asking for wisdom is like submitting to God's authority and will. Applying Godly wisdom in making decisions in difficult situations make us more Christ-like. Yes! God will surely give us the wisdom that we need but it requires us to take our part in implementing it in our life no matter how hard or illogical it may seem at the moment. Without putting Godly wisdom into action, it will be just another knowledge that anyone can search in the web.
